MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: Honouring Our Veterans, One Story at a Time Welcome to the Camberwell Pompey Elliott RSL’s Member Spotlight, where each month we...
Membership Articles
Member Spotlight: Olyve Clarke
MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: Honouring Our Veterans, One Story at a Time Welcome to the Camberwell Pompey Elliott RSL’s Member Spotlight, where each month we...
Members Celebrating at our End of Year Function
Over 85 Camberwell 'Pompey' Elliott RSL Sub-Branch members caught up in November 2023, at the Camberwell Bowls Club for their end-of-year function. It was a night filled with fun, laughter, and camaraderie — a...
The Merging of Two Great RSL Sub-Branches
In a great display of collaboration, RSL Sub-Branches Tramways East Melbourne and Camberwell City have joined forces to become the Camberwell 'Pompey' Elliott RSL Sub Branch. Our aim is to provide the best possible outcomes for our members, who...
Going to the Vietnam War: What Else Does a Kid from Katunga Do?
Hi, I'm Bill. When I started at Katunga State School, the Head Teacher was 'Mr. Menzies'. I thought he was also the Prime Minister of Australia that I had heard about on the radio. He must've gone to a lot of...